This weather has had a perfect feel, and the colors have started to bloom. I walk around with a new stride. I’ve never felt so fitted for just moving to a new place. As I walk through the streets I begin to look back on the times that got me here, the times I wanted to give up, wanted to fade away, wanted to leave the puzzle unfinished, but something in me kept pushing me through to the next moment. Although I am here, this isn’t my final destination, but where I am now has taken time. This place has taken sacrifice and prayer. This place has taken all my energy and heart, my passion and motivation. This place did not come easy. This place I find myself in took many of my tears and millions of my moments. It took patience and perseverance to reach it, with friends in the foundation of pillars holding me up to reach my place. Good things never come easy. I chose not to get lost in the process. When things looked impossible, boring, or unmotivating, my inner purpose lead me to believe something was up ahead.
I have such a rich taste of what it feels like to fully be alive living in this place. It was hard not get distracted by wildflowers and secret doorways along the way. Some steps I chose to take left me with heartache but it has only added to the richness of the purpose. It is not time to throw down the handle, but pick up the reign in the place I now stand.
And let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right, for in due time and at the appointed season we shall reap, if we do not loosen and relax our courage and faint.
Galatians 6:9