Honestly let's be honest, What if we use our actions toward one another and our words spoken to each other honestly? Our actions... "Actions are more significant than words." A quote taken from the book will and doom written by Gersham Bulkeley in 1692. Let's be real, sometimes we over look our actions. We don't think and we let our flesh lead us. Or we choose to let our desires or our momentary need/affirmation justify the truth of our action. This isn't something easily conquered, for it is a required taste.
According to Dictionary.com- to be Honest is to be Virtuous, and to withhold virtue is true beauty.
This comes to you from the honesty of my heart in hopes that God will show you the honest truth in yours...
There is nothing but truth in Him.
Candid: truthful and straight.
Although I do have a love for fashion photography, I find such a sincere beauty in candid photos,because of the truth that is captured within them.
Lets live in truth not only through our words, but let the actions that you present represent who you are, and who you are, who He is.
Behold, You desire truth in the inner being; make me therefore to know wisdom in my inmost heart. Psalms 51:6
leah love this...
ReplyDelete"but let the actions that you present represent who you are, and who you are, who He is."
us as a reflection of beauty itself, from the inside out.
it's great to be made in the image and likeness! =]
love you lele!