

Monday, November 29, 2010

My Love.

During the day I find my heart burning to love someone. The intimate kind of love, a very deep and personal kind of love. I love to love you. It’s unlike any other Love. A melody kind of a Love, a beautiful song. This sweet lullaby that puts me to sleep kind of a Love. The smell of peace kind of a Love, you sweep me off my feet type of Love. Without words spoken kind of a Love. You make my heart jump, my soul burst, my colors explode, my joy dance, my spirit sing, my lips speak, my pulse flow. My Love, I love the way you love me.


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Made in Secret

Made in Secret*
A treasure chest. Buried deep within the depths of the sea. You find this chest. You try to open it. When you do, you discover... nothing.
This is what we can look like if we are NOT fully aliv
e in him.

No one knows all that they withhold UNTIL they are fully alive in God.
"I was made in secret" Psalms 138:11.

Not even you yourself knows what lies inside the depths of the soul that's been put inside you.
You have no idea what you are capable of, Do you kn
ow what lies inside of you?

-He made you in secret, no one, not even you were there during the process of his creation concerning you.

Once you are living and thriving in the one who has created you, it is till then that that treasure which was once empty may come alive and the secrets that live inside of you are revealed for his Glory.
This is when your passions and desires will be fulfilled.
"He made you in secret" - this means He obviously knows you more than you know yourself.

We really have no idea who we are, Until we find him.

Photo by: Rosie Hardy

Monday, November 15, 2010

Let him facilitate your season.

Let him facilitate your season.
I have learned that God loves to speak to me through words,which is the same way I best communicate with him, through the words that I write to him. Others communicate through worship,talking, dancing, ect. He'll drop a word in my brain and then i'll look it up to find it very helpful concerning my day or circumstance. You have a personal communication with God whether you recognize it or not; I just find it so interesting that He cares that much to have a different way of communication which best suits us individually.
is the word which was dropped in my mind the other day that I would love to share with you.
-To make an action or process easy or easier.
-To assist the progress of (a person).

Let him [Facilitate, alleviate, ease, help] the season which you are breathing in that he has brought you to.



Sunday, November 7, 2010

Patient Love.

Patient Love. It has been a constant battle to find myself satisfied in my single status. I would lie to you if I told you I usually don't go a day without thinking about being with someone. I also would lie to you if I didn't tell you how often I think about why others who have impressed a season of my life didn't work out. ..And I know the answers, but I don't like to believe them in the moments I find myself board. I fear that my biggest regret in life would to be to settle for someone who isn't mine. I refuse. - I would often cry to God and tell him I would rather live the rest of my life all alone than to spend the rest of my life with someone who doesn't belong to me..... just because I got BORED with the season of being single God has me resting in! I am speaking to myself here. I want to be satisfied in this Season- I want this season to bloom beautiful flowers, and luscious fruit with marvelous colors. This season is in his plan, and I REFUSE to settle for anything less than his plan. For the vision is yet for an appointed time and it hastens to the end [fulfillment]; it will not deceive or disappoint. Though it tarry, wait [earnestly] for it, because it will surely come; it will not be behindhand on its appointed day. Habakkuk 2:3I serve a beautiful God. Who Loves me. Who cares about My concerns. Who knows my thoughts. Who has the answers.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Freedom. Insecurities withhold you from freedom which you have already been given. You walk on the stage, the lights stare you down and you begin to notice everyones attention is on you. In an instant you feel fear grip you by the ankle and try to pull you down. Your identity just left you there, your all alone now and you find yourself completely unsure of who you are. You begin to question yourself, any little move you make, word you speak, choice you choose is being watchined by the thousands of people in the audience. You realize when you weren't looking somone had built a box around you enabeling you to move, breathe, or speak. Ever feel like this is your life? Let me introduce you to Fear. Fear would like to make you feel like he has the upper hand, always feeding you lies about who he thinks you are, what he thinks you look like, what he thinks your capable of, how well you will do on your next test, fear will say anything to hold you back from what you are called to do. "I've grown certain that the root of all fear is that we've been forced to deny who we are." -Frances Moore Lappe Identity. When knowing who you are, all else fails to succeed in telling you who you are. What does Identity look like? It is more than a card with a funny picture of your face on it from 3 years ago. It is not the school you attend, or your career- Identity is knowing who you belong to. 1 Corinthians 6:17- but the person who is united [joined together] to Jesus becomes one spirit with him. [he lives within you] When you find your Identity in Him, you will dance in the freedom that has always been yours, knowing now that the God who created the universe,is the God who created your eyes completely different than anyone else in the entire world, and he is the God who gave you a different finger print that cannot be matched to anyone else fingerprint, he is a creative, massive, intelligent God, and he lives in you. His spirit dwells within you. This is heavy I know, but it is real.

Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed you in the womb I knew [and] approved of you [as My chosen instrument], and before you were born I separated and set you apart, consecrating you; [and] I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.

if you don't know who you are.. let him show you

Photo by- Tim Walker