

Monday, April 24, 2017

My mind became numb,
and the sensation of blood draining from my body would begin.
Like gravity in rage, stripped the pulse from my heart.
My body froze and the pain of loosing you would strike me again.
I am...
More free than I allow myself to be.
I box myself in, and cover my mouth.
Never to let the expression out.
I am alive!
But inside I hide.
Afraid of the critics and all the loud sounds.
Within me there is a well, one that overflows into rivers and swells.
I am me
and possibly
one day I will let everyone see
I need silence
I need the darkness of the night 
I need absolutely nothing 
I need rest
I need truth
I need to confront the unspoken 
I need to take it all in 
    to breathe it all out 
I need to let you flow through my fingers 
     and into my past 
I needed forgiveness from you
And still do
I don't need you 
I don't want you
Even if I had you 
your existence would crumble into ash 
Your facade would be revealed 
And there you would stand 
On my stage
Nothing to me