The conquest of discovering who you are.
Let’s be honest, we are all searching to discover our purpose, why we were made, what our gifting’s are, how to use those gifting’s,
and how to develop them. Then there are those that reach the highest point of
their gift and still want to know a deeper meaning of their existence, that
there’s more to them than being great at the gift they were given. We are
searching for the purpose we were designed for. The thing that makes a
difference, a dent for the better in the world which surrounds us. Purpose is
the reason something is created, ones intention or objective.
The canoe was designed for a purpose. It’s structure, which
is a little shaky when standing, was designed for the purpose of floating on top
of the water. The Keel, which is like a blade under the bottom of the canoe
helps to stay on track and not drift. Like a canoe we have been made with
various parts. The designer knew the parts of the canoe, which were needed in
order for the canoe to serve a purpose in its full potential. We are much like
that, built with various pieces and parts, learning which purpose each of those
parts serve. Like the canoe, its big picture of ultimate purpose is to float,
to stay above the water, to transport you to your desired destination. We too
have many parts, many gifting’s, but we also carry a bigger picture. We were
designed for a purpose. If a canoe, which is a large piece of metal which was
structured into something that serves a purpose on this earth, think of how
much greater the purpose we were created for must be. Like an owner of a new
canoe, we must study the parts of the structure we are floating on. If we don’t
educate ourselves and get to understand the structure we our using, we will sit
still in the water and not move. It is our responsibility to know ourselves,
what our potential is, the gifts we were so graciously given, and to practice
those and really form them into their full potential. Or like the canoe, we too
will sit still. So find your owners manual and start studying because you have
somewhere to be.