IT is probably one of the craziest feelings, what I am experiencing at this moment in my life. To not have any idea of where my head will peacefully fall asleep in the next few months is not the most comforting feeling. To be in a place of being uncomfortable is better than a place of being complacent. To be uncomfortable is where you must trust. You look around to see you have nothing, absolutely nothing. None of your little teddy bears or warm blankets are there next to you to keep you warm. You are all alone, and all you have to hold onto is the one who knows the most. To look ahead and see a blank canvas is so terrifying! I have no plans, no expectations.. I mean maybe a few, but nothing! This year.. I can honestly tell you I have no clue what’s to come. Instead of completely being paralyzed with fear, I might as well believe that he has himself wrapped around me, not letting me fall and will continue to guide me so sweetly just like he always has. I promise you, no matter how scared I am of not knowing, I promise you I will have a beautiful story to tell about what’s to come. No matter how hard it gets, or brave I will learn to be, deep down in me I know he’s got my back, not only that but he’s placed lanterns before all the steps I walk, he's already unlocked the doors that will opened, and he's unleashed the places in my heart for this time to come. Wake up and see the places you will go...
