

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Align: To adjust; or Improve
Dream: Something much desired.

I've had this one state of mind for awhile, Of this Idea who I aspired to be. The dream job, perfect career. But Slowly, i've let myself really discover who I was. I've talked about dreams a lot, and always letting yourself pursue them to the fullest... But sometimes those dreams change, and when they do, they seem to be better than the ones you started with. They take you by surprise, They spin you around & around, until you find yourself miles off the ground. I like to think that my heart, the heart which was instilled in me from the moment I was formed, is the same heart which is leading me where I was truly made to be, in it's right time, in it's right place. I am lead by the Holy spirit who abides in me. And in saying this, I am not afraid of letting loose old dreams for new ones to emerge to their full potential.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Caught up in a Dream

I dreamt myself into reality. My hard work payed off andI found myself in the place I couldn't stop dreaming about. But what happens when your dream is everything you believed, but you've lost sight of how you got there? I found myself swimming in waters too deep, because a lack of acknowledgment. Although I am highly in need, I am unable to acknowledge that, until I have found myself completely hopeless and useless without the one who got me to my dream in the first place. When your dream comes true it is easier to abide in the him who got you that position, then to strive to do it all on your own. You weren't made to be detached.